Friday, October 27, 2006

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

The next meeting of the forum will be on Monday November 6th at Ralph Barlow Gardens at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Community Walk

The next community walk will be on Wednesday November 1st at 7:0 clock meeting at Ralph Barlow Gardens. Everyone is welcome.

Kingstanding housing steering group

The next meeting of the steering group will be on Tuesday 31st October at Kingstanding Leisure centre at 6:0 clock. Please come along and join us. All are welcome. The aim of the steering group are to get the best for Kingstanding and ensure a better future for all. For further information regarding signed interpreter travel and child care expenses contact Ousmaan Broomfield 01217643839 or 08007839967. On Tuesday daytime members of the group have been invited to a meeting with our close neighbours at Perry Common community centre who are part of Witton Lodge Community Association whose aims are community regeneration.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

The forum have had tremendous support and encouragement from the local police. The forum has always found total support in relation to reports of incidences and all residents problems which have been brought to our attention. In saying this, ourselves and the local police, can only act in such matters when they are brought to our attention. We look forward to continuing our part in this and will always give full attention to residents who contact us in regard to these relevant matters. Both we and the local police recognise that Rome wasn't built in a day but if we all work together we are sure that for the residents of Kingstanding tomorrow can be a better day.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What's in it for the young of Kingstanding

If you are young, bored and have got ideas about what there should be for you in Kingstanding we want to know. Blog it to us by leaving your comments below. Perhaps, if we work together, we can work something out.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

The forum are already enjoying the support of local traders in Kingstanding and more are welcome. Like myself it is far easier to visit any of these such as the one I visited this morning Kingstanding Hardware which is conveniently next to the library at the circle. Though parking is heavily restricted the service was excellent.

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

The forum is already looking ahead to organising next years(2007) carnival. Anyone who wishes to participate, support or help in anyway they can we welcome your interest. Please contact

Friday, October 13, 2006

Kingstanding Housing steering group

The group will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 17th October 6:00 to 7:30 at Kingstanding leisure centre. Everyone welcome.

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

The next community walk is on Sunday 22nd October. All are welcome so see you there at 3:00 clock at Kingsthorne school. Allow one hour for the walk in the surronding area.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kingstanding Neighbourhood Forum

There will be another community watch patrol tonight. This will be in the Danesbury Crescent area between 7 pm and 8.30 pm. All those interested meet at 6.45 pm at Kingstanding Leisure centre or see you there. All welcome.

To contact Kingstanding neighbourhood Forum any time E-mail
kingstandingforum@ All enquires confidential. The forum is there to make your day a better day.
Kingstanding Neighbourhood forum.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Up and running

We are happy to inform you that ks4u is up and running and open for posting comments in the message board.(blog)

Problems that need addressing-

If enough people agree on certain areas of problem that need addressing and are willing to put forward their opinoins we hope to send them to the birmingham council or other organisations to get your opinions put forward.