Sunday, October 15, 2006

What's in it for the young of Kingstanding

If you are young, bored and have got ideas about what there should be for you in Kingstanding we want to know. Blog it to us by leaving your comments below. Perhaps, if we work together, we can work something out.


Anonymous said...

Well done Ray and Barbara for setting this up! It is about time people in Kingstanding stopped being so complacent, if we work together we can start getting alot more things done!!!

Anonymous said...

Not a lot yet but involvement and effort brings reward. In the local paper this week is an article showing one young girl who has achieved a fantastic reward through taking an opportunity, hard work and risking danger. So if one young girl from Kingstanding can achieve may be others will like to try.

kjdoody said...

hey gary and jk,
if you both feel that we should work together to make kingstanding a better area, then come to the kingstanding steering group meeting on tuesday 31st october (next tuesday) at 6:00pm. if you need any other information or any facilities such as interpreter, transport, childcare or any other services they think we may be able to give you to assist you to come to the meeting either contact, ousmaan broomfield on 01217643861 or the chairman of the group alan doody on 07908144039